My Popular, Long-Running Video Course:

The Case Study Copywriter's Crash Course


Make $1000-$1500 per Project - or More! 

Does the thought of making $1000-$1500+ writing positive, 2-page stories sound intriguing?

Then customer case studies may be the perfect addition to your copywriting services.

I'm Casey Hibbard and I've been writing case studies for two decades - adding up to well over 1,200 of these fun projects!

I also authored the first book on creating and managing customer case studies, Stories That Sell: Turn Satisfied Customers into Your Most Powerful Sales & Marketing Asset

These days, case studies are STILL in high demand. In fact, I regularly have to turn away work because it's more than I can handle. 

Businesses need these customer stories more than ever… but they can’t always find writers adequately skilled in interviewing, writing and managing case studies.

It's not that hard, but it is a specific skill that you need to hone. 

But before we get too far, let me back up a second.

“My client was very pleased with the case study I delivered. I owe that to your first-rate course and your excellent book. I have been referencing those resources constantly, for everything from how to format the draft document to how to manage the process. I am very grateful that you created those outstanding resources and made them available. I am delighted to be able to add case studies to my repertoire.”

– T. Hume

Wait, What Are Customer Case Studies Anyway?

A customer case study is simply a story of a happy customer's experience. Think of it as a testimonial x 10. 

It details why a customer chose a product or service, how the customer uses it, and the benefits it brings.

Businesses leverage these positive stories to inject credibility into their sales, marketing and PR. 

In the age of Amazon and TripAdvisor reviews, people are accustomed to relying on the experiences of others to help make decisions.

And case studies provide that essential credibility, education and validation to give buyers peace of mind in choosing a vendor. 

Short of word of mouth, there’s no better way to communicate value to buyers!

"I just wanted to thank you for everything. I landed two clients within the past week through using your strategies and using LinkedIn, and your course has just helped me feel really prepared. I am feeling really confident about case study writing and what I know as a case study writer from everything you teach."

- K. Corbett

Never a Better Time

In more than two decades of writing case studies, I’ve found no other form of copywriting as rewarding. 

After all, I get to interview my clients’ happy customers and then capture that experience on the page.

And best of all, I earn $1,000 to $1,500 for each one. And more for longer, more in-depth case studies.

Case studies are unlike any other form of marketing collateral. It's a compelling, true story without all the promotional puffery you might find in other marketing copy. And not to mention fun to work on!

But I can't help all the businesses out there.

Quite simply, the market needs more SKILLED case study writers.

To do this kind of work, you have to…

  • Know how to interview happy customers to elicit the information you need
  • Strategically ask questions to get measurable results
  • Write in a concise, engaging way
  • Create the “case study accessories” that are part of every story
  • Craft a story that makes the client AND featured customer look good
  • Know how to guide your clients and their customers through the process
  • Help prevent and navigate roadblocks that may arise in the process
  • Guide designers in creating an attractive layout

None of this is tough. It’s just a matter of having the skills and confidence to do it.

The Case Study Copywriter's Crash Course is the blueprint for writing case studies. It’s a concise, no-fluff approach for freelancers and staff writers who want to hone their skills and stay competitive. Learn everything you need to write revenue-generating case studies and get support and feedback along the way. One of the best business investments I’ve made!”

– S. Jean-Louis

Training and Mentoring from a Leading Case Study Specialist

In my flagship program, The Case Study Copywriter's Crash Course, learn from-the-trenches tips from me. I'll walk you through the exact steps that I take to prepare for case studies, interview subjects, write compelling stories, manage the process and engage with designers.

Just as critical, I'll show you how to find and land these types of clients.

If only I'd had a program like this when I first began! Instead, I learned on the job - much more slowly. Training would have catapulted me a lot further, a lot faster.

"It's not an exaggeration to say [the course and group coaching] changed the course of my career (and my life, as freelance writing has given me the flexibility to work anywhere). I was able to complete a case study sample within weeks of starting the course, and before the group coaching sessions had ended I already had two paying clients. I now feel like I have something valuable to offer my clients! Casey's step-by-step and transparent instructions were incredibly helpful and gave me the confidence to communicate my value, market myself, and follow up with clients (something that terrified me before)."

- A. Dayton

Here's what I'll be teaching...


 Prepare for Projects

  • The big-picture case study process and how the writer fits in
  • How to ramp up strategically on a client’s products/services/solutions
  • Must-ask questions for your new client
  • The info you absolutely have to have before you start a case study project


Interview Like a Pro

  • What makes a great interview
  • How to design interview questions that get subjects talking and help you draw out the story
  • Suggested interview questions for B2B, B2C, consulting and technology subject matter
  • The art and science of interviewing your clients’ happy customers
  • Interview logistics – prepping interviewees, length, recording, transcribing, note-taking, conference calls, time zones, etc.

“I’ve spent a small fortune taking copywriting courses from the biggest names in the field. So I know what’s out there. Casey Hibbard’s course, The Case Study Copywriter’s Crash Course, is hands down one of the all-time-best courses I’ve ever taken. And in terms of value, it’s hands down the best. Hibbard truly over delivers.”

– D. Monroe


Capture Measurable Results  

  • Uncovering potential areas for customer results
  • The math you need to know
  • Improving your odds of getting measurable results
  • Helping customers measure their success
  • Getting customers to agree to share results publicly
  • How to make results stand out in your case studies


Write a Story that Sells

  • 6 traits of case studies that compel and sell
  • Classic storytelling elements
  • How to go from raw information to a compelling case study
  • Case study formats
  • What clients are looking for in their case studies
  • What to include... and what to leave out

"I've landed my first case study in less than two weeks, and this is beyond my imagination! Thank you for creating this fantastic course brimming with knowledge and excellent strategies! This is everything that I've been searching for."

- D. Gururajan


Craft Killer Headlines, Subheads, Sidebars and Quotes  

  • Elements of headlines that grab a reader’s attention
  • Writing for “readers” and “skimmers”
  • When to use – and not to use – customer quotes
  • Telling a story with headlines and subheads
  • How much to edit or “change” customer quotes

"I am absolutely thrilled with everything I've learned from your course on case studies. I've taken quite a few courses for copywriting and business development and yours is the whole kit and caboodle."

- L. Hitzeman


Managing Case Study Projects to be Indispensible to Clients

  • Pricing and proposing projects
  • Setting delivery dates for unpredictable projects like case studies
  • How/when to invoice for case studies
  • Who manages what on case study projects – you vs. the client
  • Knowledge and practices that will make you more valuable to clients
  • Discussion of video testimonials - how to support clients creating them at the same time
  • Design logistics
  • Add-on services that increase your income
  • Guiding clients on ways to use their stories


Finding and Landing Case Study Clients

  • Defining the types of clients that are right for you
  • Who hires freelance case study writers?
  • Chicken and egg: Getting portfolio samples without clients, and clients without samples
  • Top sources of potential clients
  • How to approach prospective clients
  • Selling clients on case studies

Confidently Go After Lucrative Case Study Projects!

Get the essential skills to add case studies to your menu of copywriting services and you can…

  • Create a new revenue stream for your business
  • Set yourself apart from other writers
  • More confidently go after clients or jobs

Here's What You Get...

  • 7 pre-recorded webinars, about an hour each. Listen when it's convenient for you!
  • A transcript of each class
  • Tons of handouts to guide you through learning and actual projects
  • Google and Facebook groups for posting your questions for Casey and other students
  • Casey’s review and feedback on one case study draft – whenever you’re ready!
  • A live monthly group coaching Q&A call with Casey

The Investment

Choose from FOUR options:

  • The Case Study Copywriter's Crash Course - Course ONLY - $320
  • The Case Study Copywriter's Crash Course - Course plus PDF version of book, Stories that Sell by Casey Hibbard - $325
  • The Case Study Copywriter's Crash Course - Course plus softcover book, Stories that Sell by Casey Hibbard - $335
  • The Case Study Copywriter's Crash Course - Course plus softcover and a PDF version of Stories that Sell by Casey Hibbard - $340

At these rates, you'll pay back the cost of the course by at least 4x, or more, with just one case study project.


Way More than aWriting Course

Case studies simply aren’t like your average brochure or web copy. They involve a multi-step process with your clients’ happiest customers.

Other case study programs often focus mostly on writing case studies and NOT the full process.

The course includes the complete process from finding clients to getting started with step 1 on your first project and walking you through to the end. I guide you through the exact process I use every day with my own clients.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Most students find tons of value in the course. However, if the course does not meet your expectations, let us know within 30 days of purchase and we'll refund you in full.

(To be eligible for a refund, email us the specific reason for requesting a refund. The reason should be related to the content of the program itself and not because of a personal decision not to pursue case study writing. The refund will be for the cost of the course only and not include the cost of additional books, products or programs purchased. For details, see the Refund Policy section of the Terms of Use.)

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Please check out the FAQ page (including whether case study writing is a fit for you). If you still have questions, please contact me.

All the best,

Casey Hibbard

P.S. – Remember, the typical case study project will easily pay back the cost of the course by 3-4x - or more!